Ticket Information



Select File No file selected

Allowed File Extensions: .jpg, .gif, .jpeg, .png, .txt, .pdf (Max file size: 512MB)

The domain of your website you're wanting migrated (i.e. 512hosting.com)
Select the name of the control panel your current web host use
The Username you use to access your account at your current web host
The Password you use to access your account at your current web host
How is your domain connected to your current host?
Let us know if you're using a third party for your email.
If known, select the current PHP version your website is using

Please note we do not support migrations from servers running Windows or PostgreSQL

I acknowledge that my current account with NameHero will be replaced (deleting any current data you have with us) with the account data from my other web host

Yes, I have read and agree with all the terms listed under Transfers of the 512 Hosting TOS.